
The Good News

My last issue of McSweeney's, a gift from a year ago, came in the mail. It's calling out to me and competing with Nickel and Dimed, a novel in which an upper middle class writer puts aside her PhD and decides to figure out the underpaid underbelly of America. I have to read Nickel and Dimed but I want to read James Franco's short story and phone conversation with Miranda July about moonlighting. I've already read Deb Olin Unferth's very short story because it was just very short. In the mail I also received (every single time I write received I still recite "i before e...") a pre-invitation to a wedding. The wedding will be taking place at the only place I know the person from; the place where, when I was 15 (she was older), the bride-to-be told me about the locations on the property where she had done it with her boyfriend (including in the human sized hamster wheel). I have a photograph of her on that same hamster wheel. And now this boyfriend is to become her husband and I think that is very sweet, sweet like elephants with their trunks entwined.

Over the last 6 months I have been making a list of inanimate objects that appear to be kissing when touching. I don't have the list with me but I remember thinking hammers was a good one, and teapots.

1 comment:

krinjah said...

I would like a copy of this list.
any chance of you sharing it?