
Brand New Start

This summer I lost my glasses and got new ones and couldn't help but think it meant something more than just $400 and a pain in my butt. A new way to see and be seen, you know? Clearer vision. A new outlook. I took any sort of cliched meaning from it that I could because I needed to and why not?

Anyway, another fresh face: www.thegreattidepool.com

It's currently under construction but we are/Ben is working on it. Fonts will be smaller and better and everything will look nice. And I'm going to try and write more fiction maybe but maybe not.


Make it a motto

This week we have positive or important messages. Things such as: Good things come. Go get 'em, tiger. Don't worry too hard. It's not as bad as it seems. You're probably great. People like you. Brush twice a day.