

As a general rule, it is not polite to put your toenails in your purse. It is, however, often more polite to put them there rather than somewhere else. Garbage cans are completely acceptable always. But it is never polite to pick your toenails.


Where the watermelons grow

After work she said, "Where'd you park?"

And I said, "Down by the Bay."

That one was lost on her, I think.

I drove home and listened to track five once more before turning off the CJSW cd for at least another day. That is my song of the summer, and I'm not sure what it's called. The woman whose voice I've been singing along with has actually been a man's voice all along, maybe. This summer, so far, is marked by driving, not riding. I've turned in my Bianchi for my mother's Caravan. That is this summer, so far. I graduated, turned older, dunked my head into the speed river, and made resolutions, again: this time "stay sassy" was one of them.