
The Shadow Knows

1. You can't see the forest through the trees 2. Twenty years from now it won't make a damn bit of difference 3. A dead horse will never work 4. When you look in the eyes you see eyeballs.

These statements require delivery. They (except for the second) aren't simply said. They need to be sent. In transporting these expressions the darkness that shrouds them is shaken off. They aren't as grey as they appear, or maybe they are, but that's okay too. Anyway and either way, they make me smile.

Delivery included:
The first is said while riding in a car (at the speed limit) and being steered by a wobbly driver across farm-side streets. You yawn and a finger is in your mouth. You turn your head to look at sheep and you're poked in the cheek when you look ahead again. You look out at a forest, but the driver complains he can't see it through all of those trees.

After perhaps a, "For God's sake Bett" (Bett is the woman in the photo), or more innocuously, after a long look at slowly passing clouds, the second is said just as the second is written. And 'it' probably won't.

The third is posed as a question, or rather, a fact to be questioned.
It will never work.
What won't work?
A dead horse.

The fourth is purely silly.
I look in the eyes and what do I see? Eyes-a-balls!

I'm thinking now that I have a lot to get done that I am not doing. I'm thinking I'll pay attention to number 2, sleep, and worry about it in the morning.

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