
How people look (like their nose or shoes, not like the way that their eyes see things, but it could probably work that way too- I don't know I haven't written anything yet) is secondary to, but potentially a good outlet for, the way people think. Mind you, you can't change your nose very easily. For a few years I pinched mine and pulled it down to no avail.

And the way people think is primary (I also like the word 'paramount' for right there) to the way people show their thoughts. These thoughts would (contrary to a really bad paper I sort of read in bed yesterday) exist with or without expression or relationships, but hear this- then so what? Just saying.

Also, but entirely unrelated, one summer I planned a fitness regime that solely involved treading water. I did not follow through.
Again, also unrelated, a question: is the first note of a long distance phone call different, or do the rest just come so fast afterward that it feels as though you knew right from the beginning?

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