

I'm making a comprehensive list of my likes and dislikes. Freshly added to the list: Gender-bending photographer Claude Cahun, cold veggie ground-round, choosing desktop backgrounds, disco-ball snow, and cinnamon in coffee. Notably, I'd like to add that untangling the cord of stereo-headphones while wearing them is delightful. The hollow sound it makes reminds me of jumping into a cold lake and swimming far too deep. Today that particular underwater sound makes the top of my list of likes.

The cherry on top of my list of dislikes today is unfriendly library neighbours. We're all in this library together. And yes I know it's cold by that window and it's a friday evening, but the least you can do is crack a small smile or even a sympathetic glance. Heck, I'd settle for a smirk. I like the drawings you're doing of cells and I take pleasure from peeking at them but I don't think that warrants giving me that cold-hearted glare. And don't judge me if I want to lie my head down on my "Male Fantasies" book and nap for an hour. There are two volumes; if you ask politely you can lay your head down on volume two.

One more 'like' and then I'll leave you alone. I like reading passages that I underlined in books 2 years ago and wondering why. From Robbins, to me, to you: "Smoking cigarettes is as intimate as we can become with fire without immediate excruciation".

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