
ocean breaks

Today I plundered the ocean side for barnacled beauties like this.



So it turns out I must just have some deep down thing for floral patterns on black. 


Pt.2 (More dumb rocks)

Always slightly out of focus.

I was looking up rock names and found a "rockstar" name generator. You can call me Ilene Woolfe.

Dogtooth calcite, something but I forget what, oh scholzite, I think, and pyrite from Suzanne and Stephen (tag by Scott).

A lazy and thoughtful Saturday afternoon, after a most pleasant hungover morning, after an evening of board games with good great friends, after a poutine from hell('s kitchen), after brews, after school, after Thursday, which was after Wednesday, which consisted of library fines and Fargo and microwave popcorn and vodksies with english students. Darling oh dear me these days fly by. Just last week it was Saturday too.


Shocking Life Lessons

In assemblies we learnt not to ride motorcycles, who Bonhomme was, and this jingly little slogan which has stuck with me since grade school: Don't be a silly dill, 120 watts can kill.

They showed us a picture of a pickle sticking its finger into a socket.



We would eat so much cake batter, that by the time we got around to the cake, we were bloated and completely full. And then we would eat too much of the cake. Oftentimes we'd polish it off.

(recalling all that baking we did in our liverpool, home, and dublin street houses)