

Here's how to turn some ugly chairs you found in the garbage into an okay patio-bench-thing:
Take ugly chairs and saw off the ugly backs of the chairs.
Wrap seats in any old fabric.

Duct tape into place.
And voila!
The only material I had to buy for this "project" was a hacksaw. I had everything else handy. Total cost: $6.


The Day-to-day

It might not be clear but that last one is of one big slug next to my shoe. I'm sorry these pictures are boring and of bad quality. I hope you like them anyway. Please come to Vancouver.


In this order, probably with a whole lot of wasting time in between:

I'm going to make beet soup. I'm going to move that metal shelf one last time. I'm going to almost finish (and definitely start) my funding statement tonight. I'm going to buy a disposable camera so that you can see what I see. Blog hold me accountable.


The Ocean Sighed

Yesterday I got my first mail and I saw a seal. Today I got pooped on by a bird on Broadway. Tuesday > Wednesday.


The gift that keeps on giving.

Breakfast for the next forever.

My Neck of the Woods.

169 serene square feet.